new UWA.Widget()
The Widget object provides abstract methods to create and manipulate UWA application instances, this object is typically instanciated by UWA.Environment as the widget variable in a widget execution scope.
Note on events dispatching: Events will start to be dispatched to the widget only after the "onLoad" event has being dispatched first.
Available Events
Event | Description |
onLoad |
Triggered when the widget is launched. |
onRefresh |
Triggered when the widget is refreshed (manually or programmatically). |
onResize |
Triggered when the widget is resized (manually or programmatically). |
onKeyboardAction |
Triggered when a key is pressed within the widget's area. |
onSearch |
Triggered when a search is performed from within the platform. |
onResetSearch |
Triggered when a search is reseted from within the platform. |
onUpdateIcon |
Triggered when the widget's icon is modified. |
onUpdateTitle |
Triggered when the widget's title is modified. |
onUpdateCounter |
Triggered when the widget's counter is modified. |
onUpdatePreferences |
Triggered when a widget's preference is added. |
onEdit |
Triggered when edition of preferences begin. |
endEdit |
Triggered when edition of preferences ending. |
onOpenURL |
Open an url into a new environment browser window. |
Name | Type | Description |
id |
String | Unique identifier of the widget. The value depends on the execution environment: the Environment registration handler sets this property. |
environment |
UWA.Environment | Reference to the execution environment. The Environment registration handler sets this property. Instance of the Environment class. |
title |
String | Widget's title. The title of the widget. It is set by the <setTitle> method. |
icon |
String | Widget's icon url. The icon of the widget. It is set by the <setIcon> method. |
body |
UWA.Element | Widget's body. The main HTML element of the widget. Value is null until the <widget> is fully registered in the Environment. Should not be used before <launch> or <onLoad> are fired. |
data |
Object | Stores widget's data. This property can be modified by the <setValue> method, and accessed by the <getValue> method. |
events |
Object | Stores widget's events. |
plugins |
Array | Stores widget's plugins. The array is initially empty. It is initialised by the <setPlugins> method. |
preferences |
Array.<Object> | widget's preferences. The array is initially empty. It is initialised by the <setPreferences> method. |
metas |
Object | Stores widget's metas. The object is initially empty. It is initialised by the <setMetas> method. |
elements |
Object | Instances of UI <UWA.Element> of the widget. |
lang |
String | The preferred language as defined by the Environment (e.g "en" or "en_US"). |
locale |
String | The preferred locale as defined by the Environment (e.g "us" or "fr"). |
dir |
String | The preferred language direction as defined by the Environment. This property is set by the <setDir> method. |
readOnly |
Boolean |
isEdit |
Boolean |
counter |
Number | Boolean | The count of unread items in the widget. This property is set by the <setCounter> method. |
counterType |
String | The count type of unread items in the widget. This property is set by the <setCounter> method. |
Mixes In
- UWA.Class.Options
- UWA.Class.Timed
- UWA.Class.Events
- UWA.Class.Debug
- onLoad
- onRefresh
- onResize
- onKeyboardAction
- onSearch
- onResetSearch
- onUpdateIcon
- onUpdateTitle
- onUpdateCounter
- onUpdatePreferences
- onEdit
- endEdit
- onOpenURL
- onViewRequest
- onViewChange
- onViewError
- launch
- destroy
- setOptions
- setAutoRefresh
- setCounter
- getTitle
- setTitle
- setIcon
- setDir
- setMetas
- setBody
- addBody
- getElements
- getElement
- createElement
- setStyle
- mutate
- getUrl
- addStar
- getViewportDimensions
- setPlugins
- initPlugins
- initPreferences
- hasPreferences
- getPreference
- hasPreference
- addPreference
- setPreferences
- mergePreferences
- getPreferences
- getValue
- getInt
- getBool
- setValue
- setValues
- deleteValue
- toggleEdit
- dispatchEvent
- addEvent
- addEventOnce
- getView
- getAvailableViews
Triggered when the widget is launched. This event MUST be declared in any widget, in order for any of the widget's JavaScript code to be executed. Implementations MUST trigger this event once the application is done loading.
Triggered when the widget is refreshed (manually or programmatically). Implementations SHOULD trigger this event when preferences values are updated. If this event is not declared, the <UWA.Widget.onLoad> event will be triggered instead.
Triggered when the widget is resized (manually or programmatically). Implementations SHOULD trigger this event when the size of the application container is resized (for instance, when the user resizes the containing column, or changes the number of columns on the page).
Triggered when a key is pressed within the widget's area. Implementations may first require the user to click within the widget's area in order to limit the interaction to that widget only. Implementations SHOULD pass the key-code as first argument of the event.
Name Type Description key
String The pressed key's code
Triggered when a search is performed from within the platform.
Implementing platforms that feature a search form MAY trigger this event, with the search query as first argument, so that the widget may use it to further perform a search with its own data, if such a thing is possible.
Name Type Description query
String The search query
Triggered when a search is reseted from within the platform.
Implementing platforms that feature a search form MAY trigger this event, so that the widget may use it to further reset the last search, if such a thing is possible.
Triggered when the widget's icon is modified. Implementations MUST trigger it when widget.setIcon() is used. Implementations MAY also trigger for internal reasons.
Name Type Description url
String The url of the icon. The URL should include the protocol (http://)
Triggered when the widget's title is modified. Implementations MUST trigger it when widget.setTitle() is used. Implementations MAY also trigger for internal reasons.
Name Type Description title
String The title of the widget. Can contain HTML code
onUpdateCounter(count, type)
Triggered when the widget's counter is modified. Implementations MUST trigger it when widget.setCounter() is used. Implementations MAY also trigger for internal reasons.
Name Type Argument Description count
Number | Boolean | String The number of results or status for the current search/unread items
String <optional>
The number of results type (e.g 'search').
Triggered when a widget's preference is added. Implementations SHOULD trigger this event when a preferences is added (manually or programmatically).
Name Type Description preferences
Array An Array of preferences in their JSON serialization
Triggered when edition of preferences begin.
Triggered when edition of preferences ending.
onOpenURL(url) → {Boolean}
Open an url into a new environment browser window.
Behavior differ between execution environments: - open the page in an iframe on the same screen - open the page in a new window/tab - open the page in a new browser window (desktop widgets)
Name Type Description url
String The url to open in a new window
if it successfully opens the url (according to the subprotocol)Notes: Implementation can differ between environments.
- Type
- Boolean
Try to change the widget view. This event can be triggered from the widget by <UWA.Widget.requestView>.
Name Type Description view
Object view parameters. It needs to have at least one field 'type' indicating the view name. Other properties are optional and passed to the view.
Triggered when the view changed.
Name Type Description view
Object view parameters, like for <onViewRequest>
Triggered when the view fails to change.
Name Type Description view
Object view parameters, like for <onViewRequest>, with one additional parameter 'error' representing the error message.
launch(data, readOnly) → {Boolean}
Launch the widget : call <initPlugins> and <initPreferences> then dispatch <event> "beforeLoad", "onLoad" and "afterLoad".
Internal or advanced use only.
Name Type Description data
Object Widget's data values
Boolean Default to
. True if the widget is currently read only for the viewerReturns
if launch succeed elsefalse
.- Type
- Boolean
Destroy the elements and its children of widget. Remove all events and remove the elements from the dom. Clear all Delayeds and Periodicals timers.
Set options of this instance. Passing an 'events' field will automatically add those events.
Name Type Description options
Object Options hash
Sets the auto-refresh interval for the widget. The widget must have a "onRefresh" method to work properly.
widget.setAutoRefresh(20); // Set the auto-refresh interval to 20 minutes
Name Type Description delay
Number The refresh delay, in minutes
setCounter(count, type)
Sets the number of results or status for the current search/unread items.
Name Type Argument Description count
Integer | Boolean | String The number of results or status for the current search/unread items
String <optional>
The number of results type (e.g 'search').
Nothing, but updates the title with the result count, if greater or equal to zero.
getTitle() → {String}
Get the title of the Widget.
The title of the widget. HTML tags are stripped.
- Type
- String
setTitle(title, url) → {String}
Sets the title of the Widget.
Implementation can differ between environments.
Name Type Description title
String The title of the widget. Can contain HTML code
String The link of the title.
New <title> property value.
widget.setTitle('Netvibes Blog'); // OR widget.setTitle('<a href="">Netvibes Blog</a>');
- Type
- String
setIcon(url, search) → {String}
Sets the icon for the Widget.
Implementation can differ between environments.
widget.setIcon(""); // OR widget.setIcon("", `true`);
Name Type Description url
String The url of the icon. The URL should include the protocol (http://)
Boolean If
, try to autodiscover the icon for the given url.Returns
New <icon> property value.
- Type
- String
setDir(dir) → {String}
The preferred language direction.
Name Type Description dir
String Language direction ('rtl' or 'ltr')
New <dir> property value.
- Type
- String
setMetas(metas) → {Object}
Set the metas of the widget.
Internal or advanced use only.
Name Type Description metas
Object Metas hash or a name/value pair
New <metas> property value.
- Type
- Object
Replace the content of the widget body by another.
Content parameter could be:
- a String, considered as XHTML
- a DOM Element
- an Object used to create an DOM element by using the 'tag' field as tag and other fields as properties
- an Array of Objects used to create multiple DOM elements
- Insert an element using Object syntax
widget.setBody({ tag: 'a', href: '', text: 'My Link', styles: { color: 'red' }, event: { click: function (event) { // My Click Handler UWA.Event.stop(event); } } });
Will rendering:
<a style="color: red;" href="">My Link</a>
- Insert elements using Array syntax
widget.setBody([ { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myHeader' }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myContent', html: [ { tag: 'a', text: 'My Link', styles: { color: 'red' }, event: { click: function (event) { // My Click Handler UWA.Event.stop(event); } } } ] }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myFooter' }, ]);
Will rendering:
<div class="myHeader"></div> <div class="myContent"> <a>My Link</a> </div> <div class="myFooter"></div>
- Using String considered as XHTML (bad practice)
widget.setBody('<a href="">My Link</a>');
Name Type Description content
String | Object | Array The content to set to the widget body
Add content to current widget body.
method. Parameters
Name Type Description content
String | Object | Array The content to add to the widget body. Content parameter could be:
- a String, considered as XHTML
- a DOM Element
- an Object used to create an DOM element by using the 'tag' field as tag and other fields as properties
- an Array of Objects used to create multiple DOM elements
getElements(selector) → {Array}
Alias to UWA.Element.getElements on Widget body.
Name Type Description selector
String TODO
Elements into an Array or an empty Array.
- Type
- Array
getElement(selector) → {Element}
Alias to <UWA.Element.getElement> on Widget <body>.
Name Type Description selector
String TODO
Matched Element or undefined if not found.
- Type
- Element
createElement(tagName, options) → {Element}
Creates a new element according to the provided "tagName":
- if options is not defined, works like document.createElement(tagName)
- if options is defined, works like JS frameworks DOM builders (mootools/prototype) - new Element(tagName, options)
var div = widget.createElement('div'); // OR var input = widget.createElement('input', { "type": "submit", "value": "Update" });
Name Type Description tagName
String The HTML tag name of the element to create
Object Will be set on the newly-created element using Element#setAttributes
The created element.
- Type
- Element
Set the stylesheet of the widget with the given CSS rules.
Internal or advanced use only.
Name Type Description style
String The style rule to apply to the widget elements
mutate(url, preferences)
Mutate a widget into another widget.
Name Type Description url
String Widget new url
Object Widget preferences
getUrl() → {String}
Get current Widget UWA url.
UWA url of the current widget.
- Type
- String
Star Widget into Environment if available.
getViewportDimensions() → {Object}
Finds the computed width and height of widget possible max height and width and returns them as key/value pairs of an object.
var viewport = widget.getViewportDimensions(); widget.body.setStyles({ height: viewport.height + 'px', width: viewport.width + 'px' });
Object with "with, "height" properties.
- Type
- Object
Sets plugins schema of the widget. Replaces previous plugins.
widget.setPlugins([ {"name":"Auth", params: [{"name": "paramName", "value": "paramValue"}]}, {"name":"GoogleAnalytics", params: [{"name": "paramName", "value": "paramValue"}]}, ]);
Name Type Description schema
Array An Array of plugins in their JSON serialization
Initializes plugins of the widget.
Initializes preferences of the widget. The method gets values from the environment. If values do not exist in the environment, it sets them to their default values. This method is likely internaly fired by the <launch> method of the Widget.
hasPreferences() → {Boolean}
Check if Widget has visible preferences and not in <readOnly> mode.
if has visible preferences.- Type
- Boolean
getPreference(name) → {Object}
Get a preference with its name.
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference
A preference in its JSON serialization with it's current value.
If you have this preference defined in XML
<widget:preference name="limit" type="range" label="Number of items to display" defaultValue="5" step="1" min="1" max="25" />
You can get its javascript representation with the following code widget.getPreference("limit")
That will return the following JSON Object:
{ name: "limit", type: "range", label: "Number of items to display", defaultValue: "", step: "1", min: "1", max: "25", value: "5" }
- Type
- Object
hasPreference() → {Boolean}
Check if Widget has preferences its name.
if has preferences that match the given name.- Type
- Boolean
Adds a single preference to the existing preferences of the widget. Replace the previous preference if preference of the same name is already defined.
widget.addPreference({ name: "paging", type: "boolean", label: "Enable pagination", defaultValue: "`false`" });
Type Description Object A preference in its JSON serialization.
Sets preferences schema, replaces previous preferences schema.
widget.setPreferences([ {name: "paging", type: "boolean", label: "Enable pagination", defaultValue: "`false`"}, {name: "offset", type: "hidden", defaultValue: "0"} ]);
Name Type Description schema
Array An Array of preferences in their JSON serialization
Add preferences to the widget if preferences of the same name are not already defined.
Name Type Description schema
Array An Array of preferences in their JSON serialization
getPreferences() → {Object}
Gets preferences schema of the widget.
Preferences schema with current values for each preference.
- Type
- Object
getValue(name) → {Void}
Gets the value of the given preference.
Notes about the returned value:
If no default value is provided by the corresponding widget:preference XML tag then this method will return undefined.
The type depends on what you have stored inside it.
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference we want the value of
The current value of the given preference.
- Type
- Void
getInt(name) → {Number}
Gets the Integer value of the given preference.
It is particularly advised to use getInt when a preference is of type range.
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference we want the value of
The current value of the preference, converted as integer.
- Type
- Number
getBool(name) → {Boolean}
Gets the Boolean value of the given preference.
It is particularly advised to use getBool when a preference is of type boolean.
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference we want the value of.
The current value of the preference, converted as boolean.
- Type
- Boolean
setValue(name, value) → {String}
Sets the value of the given preference.
widget.setValue("nbItems", 5);
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference we want to set.
String The value of the preference.
The value of the preference we set.
- Type
- String
Sets the values of the given preferences.
widget.setValues({ 'nbItems': 5, 'title', "MyTitle" });
Name Type Description values
Object The preferences indexed by name value we want to set.
Delete value of the given preference.
Name Type Description name
String The name of the preference we want the value of
Trigger "endEdit" or "onEdit" depending the isEdit state.
dispatchEvent(name, args, bind, dispatched) → {Object}
Executes the listeners method associated with the given event name.
Internal or advanced use only.
Name Type Description name
String The event name (e.g. "onUpdateTitle");
Array Array of parameters that should be passed to each listener
Object Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the
variable inside listener function)dispatched
Object Indicate that the environment has dispatched the event already
Current <UWA.Widget> instance for more fluent interface and calls the listeners associated with the given event name.
- Type
- Object
addEvent(name, listener, bind, priority) → {Object}
Add a listener associated with the given event name.
// Example to add a listener on the onLoad event: widget.addEvent("onLoad", function (eventName) { widget.setBody("Widget loaded !"); });
Name Type Description name
String The event name (e.g. "onUpdateTitle");
Function listener function that will be executed when event is triggered.
Object (optional) Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the
variable inside listener function). If left undefined, the context on which listener will be executed will be the one passed to <dispatchEvent>, which defaults to this widget.priority
Number (optional) The priority level of the listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added. (default = 0)
Current <UWA.Widget> instance for more fluent interface
- Type
- Object
addEventOnce(name, listener, bind, priority) → {Object}
Add a listener associated with the given event name. Once the event is fired, the listener will be removed. This is handy for saying "the next time that X happens, do this".
// Example to add a listener on the onLoad event: widget.addEvent("onLoad", function (eventName) { widget.setBody("Widget loaded !"); });
Name Type Description name
String The event name (e.g. "onUpdateTitle");
Function listener function that will be executed when event is triggered.
Object (optional) Context on which listener will be executed (object that should represent the
variable inside listener function). If left undefined, the context on which listener will be executed will be the one passed to <dispatchEvent>, which defaults to this widget.priority
Number (optional) The priority level of the listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added. (default = 0)
Current <UWA.Widget> instance for more fluent interface
- Type
- Object
getView() → {Object}
Get the current view parameters.
widget.onResize = function () { if (widget.getView().type === 'maximized') { resizeLargeLayout(); } else { resizeNormalLayout(); } };
The current view. This is an object with at least the 'type' property indicating the view type. Other properties are the view options.
- Type
- Object
Parses and return the
meta data. This value indicates which views this widget is handling, so the environment can safely change the widget view to another available view at any time.Example
Declaring availableViews meta in the widget code
<meta name="availableViews" content='maximized {"chrome": `false`}; fullscreen' />
Implementing a 'maximize' button in the widget header (enviroment side)
var maximizeView = UWA.Array.detect(widget.getAvailableViews(), function (view) { return view.type === 'maximized'; }); if (maximizeView) { widgetHeader.addContent({ tag: 'span', text: 'maximize', events: { click: function () { environment.dispatchEvent('onViewRequest', maximizeView); } } }); }