Module: UWA/Class/Listener


Instances of classes implementing or extending UWA.Class.Listener will have the ability to listen to events emitted by instances of UWA.Class.Events observables.





listenTo(observable, name, callback, priority) → {this}

Listen to a particular event emitted by an object implementing UWA.Class.Events.

This is indeed the inversion-of-control version of UWA.Class.Events.addEvent. The advantage of using this form, instead of observable.addEvent(name, listener, this), is that listenTo allows this listening object to keep track of the listened events, and they can be removed all at once later on.

Note that the listener callback function passed as input argument will always be called with this caller Listener object as context.

listenTo has two different signatures, as illustrated in the example below : either with the observed emitter object, the name of the event, the callback function and an optional priority or with the observed emitter object and an hash of { eventName: callback } pairs. Note that with the later form, no priority can be specified.

listenTo is meant to be used in your code in conjunction with stopListening.

var myObserver, myObservable;

myObserver = new UWA.Class.Listener();
myObservable = new UWA.Class.Events();

myObserver.listenTo(myObservable, 'someEvent', function () {
    UWA.log('Some event occurred!');
myObserver.listenTo(myObservable, {
    someOtherEvent: function () {
        UWA.log('Some other event occurred!');
    andSomethingElse: function () {
        UWA.log('Something else to take care of...');
Name Type Argument Default Description
observable Object

the observed emitter object, must implement UWA.Class.Events

name String | Object

the name (string) of the listened event or a hash of {event: callback} pairs

callback Function <optional>

the listener callback, if name argument is a string.

priority Number <optional>

the priority level of the listener, if name argument is a string. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added.


listenToOnce(observable, name, callback, priority) → {this}

Just like listenTo, but causes the bound callback to only fire once before being removed.

This is indeed the inversion-of-control version of <UWA.Class.Events.addEventOnce>.

Note that the listener callback function will always be called with this caller Listener object as context.

There are two ways to call listenToOnce, as illustrated in the example below : either with the observed emitter object, the name of the event, the callback function and the optional priority or with the observed emitter object and an hash of { eventName: callback } pairs. Note that with the later form, no priority can be specified.

var myObserver, myObservable;

myObserver = new UWA.Class.Listener();
myObservable = new UWA.Class.Events();

myObserver.listenToOnce(myObservable, 'someEvent', function () {
    UWA.log('Some event occurred!');
myObserver.listenToOnce(myObservable, {
    someOtherEvent: function () {
        UWA.log('Some other event occurred!');
    andSomethingElse: function () {
        UWA.log('Something else to take care of...');
Name Type Argument Default Description
observable Object

the observed emitter object, must implement UWA.Class.Events

name Mixed

the name (string) of the listened event or a hash of {event: callback} pairs

callback Function <optional>

the listener callback, if name argument is a string.

priority Number <optional>

the priority level of the listener, if name argument is a string. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added.


stopListening(observable, name, callback) → {this}

Tell this object to stop listening to events.

stopListening is meant to be used in conjunction with listenTo.

Either call stopListening with no arguments to have the object remove all of its registered callbacks. Or be more precise by telling it to remove just the events it's listening to on a specific object, or a specific event name, or just a specific callback.

There are two ways to call stopListening, as illustrated in the example below : either with the (optional, can be null) observed emitter object, the (optional, can be null) name of the event and the (optional, can be null) callback function or with the observed emitter object and an hash of { eventName: callback } pairs.

var observer, observable, fn;

observer = new UWA.Class.Listener();
observable = new UWA.Class.Events();
fn = function () { UWA.log('Caught!'); };

// these are all valid calls to stopListening :
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening();
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(observable);
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(null, 'someEvent');
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(null, null, fn);
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(observable, 'someEvent', fn);
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(observable, 'someEvent');
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(observable, null, fn);
observer.listenTo(observable, 'someEvent', fn).stopListening(null, 'someEvent', fn);
observer.listenTo(observable, {
    someEvent: fn,
    someOtherEvent: fn,
    andAThirdEvent: fn
}).stopListening(observable, {
    someEvent: fn,
    someOtherEvent: fn
Name Type Argument Description
observable Object <optional>

the observer emitter to stop listening to

name Mixed <optional>

the name (string) of the listened event or a hash of {event: callback} pairs

callback Function <optional>

the listener callback, if name argument is not a hash
