Cross-Platform API for DOM Elements manupilation.
- Element's className manipulation.
- addClassName
- hasClassName
- toggleClassName
- Element's events manipulation, including many polyfills and custom events
- addEvent
- triggerEvent
- removeEvent
- Element's selector polyfills and enhancements
- getElements
- getElement
- match
- Element's styles manipulation including CSS3 polyfills (e.g no need preffix)
- setStyles
- setStyle
- getStyle
- Element's dimensions and position caculations
- getOffsets
- getSize
- getPosition
- getScrolls
- isInViewport
- Easy HTML content injection using JSON object instead of string
- addContent
- setContent
- inject
- grab
var myElement = UWA.createElement('ul', {
'class': 'myElement items',
html: [
tag: 'li',
'class': 'item',
text: 'My first item'
tag: 'li',
'class': 'item',
text: 'My second item'
styles: {
borderRadius: '5px',
background: 'red'
events: {
click: function (event) {
// Handle click on li here
var eventElement = UWA.Event.getElement(event);
- Element.create
- Element.extend
- set
- setAttributes
- getTagName
- setText
- appendText
- getText
- setContent
- addContent
- setHTML
- getHTML
- inject
- grab
- isInjected
- empty
- remove
- destroy
- getParent
- getParents
- getClosest
- getChildren
- getDocument
- getWindow
- getOffsetParent
- getElements
- getElement
- match
- hasClassName
- addClassName
- removeClassName
- toggleClassName
- setStyle
- setStyles
- getStyle
- getStyles
- getStyleName
- getOpacity
- setOpacity
- hide
- show
- toggle
- isHidden
- setTranslate
- getComputedSize
- getScrolls
- getOffsets
- getPosition
- setPosition
- getSize
- getDimensions
- isInViewport
- setData
- getData
- removeData
- handleExternalLinks
- addEvent
- addEvents
- triggerEvent
- removeEvent
- removeEvents
- fillParent
- setSelectable
- requestFullscreen
<static> Element.create(tagName, options) → {Element}
Create a DOM Element with UWA.Element methods.
var myElement = Element.create('a', { 'class': 'myClass1 myClass2', html: 'Hello World', styles: { ... }, events: { click: function(event) { UWA.Event.stop(event); ... } } });
Name Type Description tagName
String The element tag name (eg: 'div')
Object Element attributes and options
The new Element.
- Type
- Element
<static> Element.extend(element) → {Element}
Extent a DOM Element with UWA.Element methods.
var el = Element.extend(document.getElementById('myElementId'));
Name Type Description element
Element The Element to extend
the extended Element.
- Type
- Element
set(name, value) → {Element}
Shortcut to manipulates the element using setter methods.
Example of name parameter
name Description "html" set the html (See setHTML) "events" set the events (See addEvents) "class" set the full classname Any name who match a method "UWA.Element.prototype.set[Name]" will call this method with the value, other names will call the setAttribute method.
var myElement = UWA.createElement('a'); // Add some attributes, fill with text, add some events myElement.set({ href: "http://...", title: "MyLink", text: "pouete", events: { click: function () { } } }); // Key / value signature myElement.set('styles', { color: 'red' }); // Key / value signature with more than one argument myElement.set('style', 'background-color', 'blue');
Name Type Description name
String | Object if this is a String, it is the name of the shortcut to set. - if this is an Object, it should be a hash associating names to values to set.
* The value to set
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
setAttributes(attributes) → {Element}
Sets the attributes values of the element. Attributes are passed as either a hash or a name/value pair.
var myElement = UWA.createElement('a'); // Add "href" and "title" attributes myElement.setAttributes({ href: "http://...", title: "MyLink" }); // Will render "<a href="http://..." title="MyLink"></a>"
Name Type Description attributes
Object Attributes hash or a name/value pair
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
getTagName() → {String}
Get the element tagName in lowercase.
var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); myElement.getTagName(); // Will return "div"
The current element tagName.
- Type
- String
setText(text) → {Element}
Replace element's existing content by a new text node.
var myText = UWA.createElement('p', { text: "Hello!" }); // Replace element text by "Loading...". myText.setText("Loading..."); // Will render "<p>Loading...</p>"
Name Type Description text
String The text value
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
appendText(text) → {Element}
Adds a new text node at the end of the element's existing content.
var myText = UWA.createElement('p', { text: "Hello" }); // Append " World!" text into the element. myText.appendText(" World!"); // Will render "<p>Hello World!</p>"
Name Type Description text
String The text value
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
getText() → {String}
Get the inner text of the element.
var myContent = UWA.createElement('p', { html: 'Hello World!' }); myContent.getText(); // Will return "Hello World!"
text contained by the element.
- Type
- String
setContent() → {Element}
Replace the content of the element by another.
Content parameter could be:
- a String, considered as XHTML
- a DOM Element
- an Object used to create an DOM element by using the 'tag' field as tag and other fields as properties
- an Array of Objects used to create multiple DOM elements
- each argument can be: String/Object/Array content: the content to set to the element.
Setup code (required for all examples)
var myContent = UWA.createElement('div');
Insert an element using Object syntax
myContent.setContent({ tag: 'a', href: '', text: 'My Link', styles: { color: 'red' }, events: { click: function (event) { // My Click Handler UWA.Event.stop(event); } } });
Will render:
<div> <a style="color: red;" href="">My Link</a> </div>
Insert elements using Array syntax
myContent.setContent([ { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myHeader' }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myContent', html: [ { tag: 'a', text: 'My Link', styles: { color: 'red' }, events: { click: function (event) { // My Click Handler UWA.Event.stop(event); } } } ] }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'myFooter' }, ]);
Will render:
<div> <div class="myHeader"></div> <div class="myContent"> <a>My Link</a> </div> <div class="myFooter"></div> </div>
Using String considered as XHTML (bad pratice)
myContent.setContent('<a href="">My Link</a>');
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
addContent() → {Element}
Add content to current Element.
Content parameter could be:
- a String, considered as XHTML
- a DOM Element
- an Object used to create an DOM element by using the 'tag' field as tag and other fields as properties
- an Array of Objects used to create multiple DOM elements
- each argument can be: String/Object/Array content: the content to add to the element.
See UWA.Element.setContent method.
the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
setHTML(html) → {Element}
Sets the content of the element from a valid XHTML String.
Notes about HTML vs XHTML
In most of the UWA environments HTML have to be valid XHTML.
- XHTML is fundamentally different from HTML, despite looking very similar.
- XHTML is XML, which means that the syntax rules are slightly different.
- There are things you can do in XHTML which you cannot do in HTML.
- There are things you can do in HTML which you cannot do in XHTML.
- There are differences concerning CSS.
- There are differences concerning client-side scripting (e.g., JavaScript).
Invalid XHTML
<img src="..."> <input name="" value="" > <br>
<img src="..." /> <input name="" value="" /> <br />
// Your existing element var myContent = UWA.createElement('div', { html: '<p>Loading...<p/>' }); myContent.setHTML('<p>Ready!<p/>');
Name Type Description html
String A valid XHTML String
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
getHTML() → {String}
Gets the content of the element.
// Your existing elements tree var myContent = UWA.createElement('div', { html: { tag: 'p', text: 'Loading...' } }); myContent.getHTML(); // Will return "<p>Loading...<p/>"
The current Element innerHTML value.
- Type
- String
inject(injected, where) → {Element}
Inject, or insert, the element at a particular place relative to the Element's children (specified by the second the argument, default is "bottom").
// Your existing elements tree var myFriendList = UWA.createElement('ul', { html: { tag: 'li', text: 'John Doe' } }); // Inject to the bottom (default) UWA.createElement('li', { text: 'Marla Singer' }).inject(myFriendList, 'bottom'); // Inject to the top UWA.createElement('li', { text: 'Brendan Eich' }).inject(myFriendList, 'top'); // Inject before UWA.createElement('h1', { text: 'My Friends' }).inject(myFriendList, 'before');
Will render:
<h1>My Friends</h1> <ul> <li>Brendan Eich</li> <li>John Doe</li> <li>Marla Singer</li> </ul>
Name Type Description injected
Element The element to inject
String The place to inject this Element Can be 'top', 'bottom', 'after', or 'before'.
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
grab(element, where) → {Element}
Works as inject, but in reverse.
Append the element at a particular place relative to the element's children (specified by the where parameter).
// Your existing elements tree var myFriendList = UWA.createElement('ul', { html: { tag: 'li', text: 'John Doe' } }); // Insert element into myFriendList myFriendList.grab(UWA.createElement('li', { text: 'Marla Singer' }));
Will render:
<ul> <li>John Doe</li> <li>Marla Singer</li> </ul>
Name Type Description element
Element The element to inject
String The place to inject this Element Can be 'top', 'bottom', 'after', or 'before'.
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
isInjected(parent) → {Boolean}
Check if element is injected into another element, by default the documentElement.
// Your existing element var myContent = UWA.createElement('div', { html: { tag: 'p', text: 'Loading...' } }); myContent.isInjected(); // Will return `false` myContent.inject(widget.body); myContent.isInjected(); // Will return `true` because it's inside the DOM tree
Name Type Description parent
Element The parent element that sould containt the element, by default it's ownerDocument.documentElement.
if has document.body into the parents tree elsefalse
.- Type
- Boolean
empty(destroyChildren) → {Element}
Empty an element of all his children. Children should/could may not be used after this.
// Your existing element var myContent = UWA.createElement('div', { html: { tag: 'p', text: 'Loading...' } }); // Remove the element children myContent.empty();
Name Type Argument Default Description destroyChildren
Boolean <optional>
false true
to remove all events from children (see UWA.Element.destroy).Returns
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
remove() → {Element}
Detach the element from the parent and returns it.
The current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
Destroy the element and its children. Remove all events from elements and children and remove them from the document. Element and it's children should/could may not be used after this.
getParent(selector) → {Element}
Return the parent node of the element.
Name Type Argument Description selector
String <optional>
Get the first parent who matches the selector.
The parent node, null if the parent was not found.
- Type
- Element
getParents(selector) → {Array}
Get the parent nodes of the element
Name Type Argument Description selector
String <optional>
Filter parents matching this selector
the parent nodes
- Type
- Array
getClosest(String) → {Element}
Get the closest element matching a selector. If the element does not match the selector, get the first matching parent.
Name Type Description String
selector The selector to use
The closest element, or null if it was not found.
- Type
- Element
getChildren() → {Array}
Get collection of the element's child nodes.
Collection of the element's child nodes.
- Type
- Array
getDocument() → {Document}
Get the document of the current element.
Document element of the current element.
- Type
- Document
getWindow() → {Window}
Get the window of the current element.
window element of the current element.
- Type
- Window
getOffsetParent() → {Element}
Returns the parent of the element that is positioned, if there is one.
This method fix broken offsetParent on IE < 8 using featured detection.
The first positioned element's parent node.
- Type
- Element
Gets all descendants elements whose match a CSS selector. Behaves like the Element.querySelectorAll except for queries starting with ">", "~" and "+".
- Setup code (required for all examples)
// Create your elements tree var element = UWA.createElement('div', { html: [ { tag: 'h1', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My App Title...' } }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'highlighted', html: { tag: 'ul', html: [ { tag: 'li', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My first Nav' } }, { tag: 'li', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My second Nav' } } ] } } ] });
Will render:
<div> <h1> <a>My App Title...</a> </h1> <div class="highlighted"> <ul> <li><a>My first Nav</a></li> <li><a>My second Nav</a></li> </ul> </div> </div>
- Gets descendants elements whose match CSS selector
// Get all anchors in the element element.getElements('a'); // Get all elements with "myClass" class element.getElements('.myClass'); // Get all anchors with "myClass" class element.getElements('a.myClass'); // Get all anchors with a title attribute in the element element.getElements('a[title]'); // Get all "p" children elements under a container, // whose parent is a div that contains the class 'highlighted' element.getElements('div.highlighted > p');
Name Type Description selector
String The CSS selector to use (could be more than one rule)
Array of <UWA.Element> that matched.
getElement(selector) → {Element}
Gets the first descendant element who matches a CSS selector. Behaves like the Element.querySelectorAll except for queries starting with ">", "~" and "+".
- Setup code (required for all examples)
var element = UWA.createElement('div', { html: [ { tag: 'h1', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My App Title...' } }, { tag: 'div', 'class': 'highlighted', html: { tag: 'ul', html: [ { tag: 'li', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My first Nav' } }, { tag: 'li', html: { tag: 'a', text: 'My second Nav' } } ] } } ] });
Will render:
<div> <h1> <a>My App Title...</a> </h1> <div class="highlighted"> <ul> <li><a>My first Nav</a></li> <li><a>My second Nav</a></li> </ul> </div> </div>
- Gets first descendant element whose match CSS selector
// Get the first anchor in the element element.getElement('a'); // Get the first element with "myClass" class element.getElement('.myClass'); // Get the first anchor with "myClass" class element.getElement('a.myClass'); // Get the first anchor with a title attribute in the element element.getElement('a[title]'); // Get the first "p" children element under a container, // whose parent is a div that contains the class 'highlighted' element.getElement('div.highlighted > p');
Name Type Description selector
String The CSS selector to use (could be more than one rule)
- <UWA.Element> that matched.
- Type
- Element
match(selector, root) → {Boolean}
Check if the element matches a CSS selector.
Behaves like the Element.matchesSelector but also accepts queries starting with ">", "~" and "+".
// Without a root, this is not very usefull element.match('> *'); // the element have a parent element.match('+ ul'); // the element is an UL with a previous sibling // With a root, everything makes sense element.match('> *', root); // the element is a direct child of the root // .header in the container element element.match('> .header', container); // the element is the header of the container, and not a random element
Name Type Description selector
String The CSS selector to use (could be more than one rule)
Element optional - Limit the selection to children of this element
- wether or not the element matches the selector
- Type
- Boolean
hasClassName(className) → {Bool}
Checks whether element has the given CSS className.
// Your existing element var element = UWA.createElement('div', { 'class': 'myCSSClassName' }); element.hasClassName('myCSSClassName'); // Will return true element.hasClassName('myMissingClassName'); // Will return false
Name Type Description className
String the className to check.
- true if element has className else false.
- Type
- Bool
addClassName(className) → {Element}
Adds a CSS class to element.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { 'class': 'myCSSClassName' }); // Add new "myCSSClassName" className myElement.addClassName('myCSSClassName');
Name Type Description className
String the className to add.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
removeClassName(className) → {Element}
Removes element's CSS className.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { 'class': 'myCSSClassName' }); // Remove existing "myCSSClassName" className myElement.removeClassName('myCSSClassName');
Name Type Description className
String the className to remove.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
toggleClassName(className, force) → {Element}
Add or remove the passed in class name to the element, depending on whether or not it's already present.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { 'class': 'myCSSClassName' }); // Remove exiting "myCSSClassName" className myElement.toggleClassName('myCSSClassName'); // Add missing "myCSSClassName" className myElement.toggleClassName('myCSSClassName');
Name Type Description className
String The class to add or remove.
Boolean force add (if true) or remove the class name.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
setStyle(property, value) → {Element}
Modify element's CSS style property.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { color: 'red' } }); // Update "color" style myElement.setStyle('color', 'blue');
Name Type Description property
String style property name.
String style property value.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
setStyles(attributes) → {Element}
Modifies element's CSS style properties. Styles are passed as either a hash or a name/value pair.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { color: 'red', padding: '5px' } }); // Update "padding" and "color" styles myElement.setStyle({ color, 'blue', padding: '10px' );
Name Type Description attributes
Object styles hash or a name/value pair.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
getStyle(property, computed) → {String}
Get element's CSS style property value. By default it will return the CSS style property value computed by the browser.
Setup code
<!-- Your CSS rule --> <style type="text/css"> div.myClass { padding: 10px; } </style>
Get elements style value
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { 'class': 'myClass', styles: { color: 'red' } }); myElement.getStyle('color'); // Will return "red" // Using computed style myElement.getStyle('padding'); // Will return "10px" // Disable computed style myElement.getStyle('padding', true); // Will return ""
Name Type Description property
String style property name (e.g "color", "display", "top", ...).
Boolean retrieve CSS style property value computed by the browser (e.g default is true).
the style property value (e.g "none", "red", "10px", ...).
- Type
- String
getStyles(property, computed) → {Object}
Get element's CSS styles value. By default it will return the CSS style value computed by the browser.
Name Type Description property
Array style properties names.
Boolean retrieve CSS style property value computed by the browser (e.g default is true).
- styles properties value indexed by property name.
- Type
- Object
getStyleName(String, Boolean) → {String}
Get CSS style properties names for modern CSS3 property usage. Perform feature detection on properties names, to add vendor prefix (e.g Moz, Ms, Webkit).
Support vendor prefix for following CSS style property name: box-shadow, mask, box-shadow, mask, border-radius, user-select, box-sizing, transition, transition-timing-function, transition-duration, transition-delay, transition-property, transform, border-image, text-stroke, font-smoothing, text-fillcolor, appearance, text-shadow, transform-style, perspective, overflow-scrolling
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); myElement.getStyleName('border-radius'); // Will return "WebkitBorderRadius" on Webkit browsers // Will return "OBorderRadius" on Opera browsers // Will return "MozBorderRadius" on Firefox browsers // Will return "MsBorderRadius"] on IE browsers myElement.getStyleName('float'); // Will return "cssFloat" on main engines // Will return "styleFloat" on IE browsers
Name Type Description String
property: style property name.
noCamelCase: do not apply camelcase on results properties.
- the style name.
- Type
- String
getOpacity(computed) → {Float}
Get element's CSS style opacity value.
Name Type Description computed
Boolean retrieve opacity value computed by the browser (e.g default is true).
- the current element's CSS style opacity property value.
- Type
- Float
setOpacity(opacity) → {Element}
Set element's CSS style opacity value.
Opacity 0 and visibily hidden have not the same behavior.
Name Type Description opacity
Float the requested element's CSS style opacity property new value.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
hide() → {Element}
Hides and returns element, by setting "display" style property to "none".
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
show() → {Element}
Reveal and return element, by setting "display" style property to right value.
The element will be revealed immediately, with no animation. This is roughly equivalent to calling element.setStyle('display', 'block'), except that the display property is restored to whatever it was initially.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
toggle(force) → {Element}
Toggles the visibility of element.
Name Type Description force
Boolean force show (if true) or hide the element.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
isHidden() → {Boolean}
Check wether this element is hidden by UWA.Element.hide.
- Type
- Boolean
setTranslate(y, x) → {Element}
Translate the position of element to X and Y parameters.
Translate element Using translate3d/translate or top/left depending the current DOM available feature.
Name Type Description y
Number new y/top coordonate.
Number new x/left coordonate.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
Compute the size of a list of style properties
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { border: '1px solid red', padding: '2px' } }); myElement.getComputedSize('borderLeftWidth', 'paddingLeft'); // Will return 3 myElement.getComputedSize('borderWidth'); // Will return 2
Name Type Description arguments
String some CSS properties.
getScrolls() → {Object}
Returns either the width and height in pixels of the content of an element or the width and height of the element itself, whichever is greater.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Get Scrolls values var myScrolls = myElement.getScrolls(); // myOffsets Object value (properties values depending the context) { with: 417, height 53, top: 0, left 0 }
- Object with "with, "height", "top, "left" properties.
- Type
- Object
getOffsets() → {Object}
Gets the cumulative offsets of the x and y positions (or the cumulative top and left) of element, the position of the element will be relative to the document.
This function is helpful if you want to position things around a certain element.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Get Offsets values var myOffsets = myElement.getOffsets(); // myOffsets Object value (properties values depending the context) { x: 417, y 53 }
- Object with "y" and "x" properties.
- Type
- Object
getPosition(relative, where) → {Object}
Gets the cumulative offsets of the x and y positions (or the cumulative top and left) of element, by default the position of the element will be relative to the offsetParent (see <getOffsetParent>).
This function is helpful if you want to position things around a certain element.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Get Position values var myPosition = myElement.getPosition(); // myPosition Object value (properties values depending the context) { x: 7, y 170 }
Name Type Description relative
Element (optional) the position of the element will be relative. If Element, get the position relative to this esement. If false, get the position relative to the offsetParent (see <getOffsetParent>).
String/Object (optional) set the origin of the position. You can specify a corner (ex: { x: 'top', y: 'left' }), or the center of a side (ex: {x: 'center', y: 'top'} or simply 'center' for the center of the box.
- Object with "y" and "x" properties (e.g {x: Number, y: Number}).
- Type
- Object
setPosition(position, options) → {Element}
Sets the position of an Element
// Simple usage myElement.setPosition({x: 10, y: 20}, { relative: document.body, boundary: 'auto', boundaryMargin: 4 }); // Advanced usage myElement.setPosition({x: 10, y: 20}, { relative: document.body, boundary: 'auto', fit: function (boundary, position) { var elSize =, // Compute the free space on each direction hasSpaceAbove = position.y - boundary.y >= elSize, hasSpaceBelow = boundary.y + boundary.height - position.y >= elSize; if (!hasSpaceBelow && hasSpaceAbove) { // If there is no space below and some space above, go above position.y -= elSize; } } });
Name Type Description position
Object/Array an object or a list of object with the properties 'x' and 'y' representing the coordinates of the element. If this is an array and there is a boundary specified (see options parameter), it will pick the best position to fit the element in the boundary.
Object a JavaScript object containing setting/value pairs.
Name Type Argument Description relative
Element <optional>
An Element to which position values will be relative to (default to first relative parent).
Object | Element | String <optional>
Limit the position to a given zone. It can be: - an object {x, y, width, height} with coordinates relative to the relative option, - an Element - auto' will use the first parent with a overflow hidden or auto
Element <optional>
An Element to which position values will be relative to (default to first relative parent).
String | Function <optional>
If a boundary is used, specify the strategy to use in order to fit the element into the boundary. - 'full' (default): adjust the final position to fit the whole element in the boundary - 'none': do not try to fit the element in the boundary (only the top left corner will have to be in the boundary). - 'resize-max': adjuste the max-width and max-height styles of the element in order to fit in the element. - a function: the function will be called with two parameters: one representing the boundary with its position (x/y) and its size (width/height), the second will be the position of the element (x/y). The context (this) is the current element. Coordinates are absolute in the page. You can change those objects in order to implement a custom behaviour to fit the element inside its boundary (for example, if the element does not fit below another element, you can change its position to display it above). See example below.
- The current Element instance
- Type
- Element
getSize() → {Object}
Retrieve the height and width of an element.
The width and height size is based on offset(Width|Height) that mean that it include border and padding edge (W3C Content edge).
To get the inner size (with no border and padding edge), use <getDimensions> innerWidth or innerHeight. To get the outer size (with margin edge), use <getDimensions> outerWidth or outerHeight.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { height: '100px', width: '100px', padding: '10px', margin: '7px', border: '2px solid red' } }).inject(widget.body); // Get Size values var mySize = myElement.getSize(); // mySize Object value { height: 124, // innerHeight + paddingTop + paddingBottom + borderTopWidth + borderBottomWidth width: 124 // innerWidth + paddingLeft + paddingRight + borderLeftWidth + borderRightWidth }
- Object with "with and "height" properties.
- Type
- Object
getDimensions() → {Object}
Compute various dimpensions of an element.
If you consider only get the with and height properties use <UWA.Element.getSize> method it's faster.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { padding: '10px', margin: '5px', height: '100px', width: '100px', border: '2px solid red' } }).inject(widget.body); // Get Dimensions values var myDimensions = myElement.getDimensions(); // myDimensions Object value { height: 124, // based on offsetHeight width: 124 // based on offsetWidth innerHeight: 100, // height - (paddingTop + paddingBottom + borderTopWidth + borderBottomWidth) innerWidth: 100 // width - (paddingLeft + paddingRight + borderLeftWidth + borderRightWidth) outerHeight: 134, // height + marginTop + marginBottom outerWidth: 134 // width + marginLeft + marginRight }
- Object with "with and "height", "innerWidth" and "innerHeight", "outerWidth" and "outerHeight", "maxWidth" and "maxHeight" properties.
- Type
- Object
isInViewport(element, partially, checkForDisplay, axis) → {Boolean}
Check if an element is visible in the current element viewport and on the screen. By default it's check that the element is entirely visible.
// Your existing elements var myFirstElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { position: 'absolute', top: '5px', left: '0px', width: '10px', height: '10px', background: 'red' } }), mySecondElement = UWA.createElement('div', { styles: { position: 'absolute', top: '5px', left: '0px', width: '10px', height: '10px', background: 'blue' } }); // Inject elements myFirstElement.inject(widget.body); mySecondElement.inject(widget.body); // Check if myFirstElement is in the mySecondElement viewport myFirstElement.isInViewport(mySecondElement); // Will return true // Move myFirstElement element myFirstElement.setStyle('top', '10px'); // Check if myFirstElement is in the mySecondElement viewport myFirstElement.isInViewport(mySecondElement); // Will return false // Check if myFirstElement is partially in the mySecondElement viewport myFirstElement.isInViewport(mySecondElement, true); // Will return true // Check if myFirstElement is in the mySecondElement viewport, and is visible in the page myFirstElement.isInViewport(mySecondElement, false, true);
Name Type Description element
Element the element to check visibility.
Boolean if any part of the element is visible in the viewport or only entirely visible (default: false).
Boolean if the element is in the screen and visible (in a human way) (default: false).
String optionnal specific axis to check ('x' or 'y') (default: both).
- true if the element is in the current element viewport else false.
- Type
- Boolean
setData(key, data) → {Element}
Store arbitrary data associated with the current element. The data value will be serialized in JSON.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Store data into element myElement.setData('myStringKey', 'myString'); myElement.setData('myObjectKey', { name: 'Bob', age: '25' });
Will rendering
<div data-my-string-key=""myString"" data-my-object-key="{"name":"Bob","age":"25"}"> </div>
Name Type Description key
String the data key name.
String the data key value.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
getData(key) → {Element}
Retrieve arbitrary data associated with the current element.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Store data into element myElement.setData('myStringKey', 'myString'); myElement.setData('myObjectKey', { name: 'Bob', age: '25' }); // Retrieve data myElement.getData('myStringKey'); // Will return "myString" myElement.getData('myObjectKey'); // Will return Object
Name Type Description key
String the data key name.
the data key value.
- Type
- Element
removeData(key) → {Element}
Remove arbitrary data associated with the current element.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('div'); // Store data into element myElement.setData('myStringKey', 'myString'); // Remove data myElement.removeData('myStringKey'); // Retrieve data myElement.getData('myStringKey'); // Will return undefined
Name Type Description key
String the data key name.
- the data key value.
- Type
- Element
handleExternalLinks(listener:) → {Element}
Handle any children's external links element click events with a callback function.
Notes: For advanced and internal library usage only.
Name Type Description listener:
Function click callback function that will receive url for argument.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
addEvent(event, listener, noCustomEvent, priority, useCapture) → {Element}
Register a single event listener on a single target.
Event delegation: Events can be delegated by specifying a CSS selector in the first element, next to the event name. For example, to call the function only if the user clicks on links contained in the element, you could use the event name "click a". Any string accepted by Element#match is valid (selectors starting by an operator > ~ +, separated by commas, ...). See example below.
Simple example:
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text: 'My Link' }), function myClickListener(event) { // Stop event propagation and prevent default. UWA.Event.stop(event); // The current scope of the listener function // is the element that we have added the event listener var myElement = this; // Store event position var position = UWA.Event.getPosition(event); }; // Add a "click" event myElement.addEvent('click', myClickListener);
Example using an EventListener:
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text: 'My Link' }), myEventListener = { myProperty : 'event listener', handleEvent : function (event) { UWA.log('"this" is scoped to this ' + this.myProperty); } }; // Add a "click" event myElement.addEvent('click', myEventListener); // When the event is triggered, the console display : // "this" is the event listener object
Example using event delegation:
var myElement = UWA.createElement('div', { html: 'Event delegation is <strong>the best</strong>!' }); // Bind the event on strong and span tags myElement.addEvent('click strong,span', function () { UWA.log('You clicked on a strong or highlighted text!'); }); // You can change the element content at any time! element.addContent(' and <span>this is highlighted</span>'); // Clicking on one of those tags will trigger the event
Events List:
- click - Mouse clicks an object.
- mousedown - A mouse button is pressed.
- mousemove - The mouse is moved.
- mouseup - A mouse button is released.
- keydown - A keyboard key is pressed.
- keypress - A keyboard key is pressed or held down.
- keyup - A keyboard key is released.
Frame / Window
- abort - Fires when an object/image is stopped from loading before completely loaded.
- error - An error occurs when loading a document or an image.
- load - Fires when the target element and all of its content has finished loading.
- resize - A window or frame is resized.
- scroll - When something is scrolled.
- unload - Fires when the target element or any of its content has been removed.
- blur - An element loses focus.
- change - The content of a field changes.
- focus - An element gets focus.
- select - When the user selects text in a text input field.
- reset - When the user resets a form.
- submit - When the user submits a form.
- touchend - Happens every time a finger is removed from the screen.
- touchmove - Happens as a finger already placed on the screen is moved across the screen.
- touchstart - Happens every time a finger is placed on the screen.
- touchcancel - Sent when the system cancels tracking for the touch.
Polyfill (See <UWA.Element.Event>)
- mouseleave - Polyfill to support element mouseleave event.
- mouseenter - Polyfill to support element mouseenter event.
- mousewheel - Polyfill to support element mousewheel event.
- transitionEnd - Polyfill to support element transitionEnd event.
Custom (See <UWA.Element.Event>)
- resize - Custom event to support element resize detection.
- update - Custom event to support element content update detection.
Others Event related methods:
- <UWA.Event.stop> - Stop an Event from propagating and also executes preventDefault.
- <UWA.Event.stopPropagation> - Stop the propagation of an event (this stops the event from bubbling up through the DOM).
- <UWA.Event.preventDefault> - Prevent the default action of the event.
- <UWA.Event.getElement> - Get element target to event parameter.
- <UWA.Event.findElement> - Find an parent element of event target using tagName.
- <UWA.Event.getPosition> - The "x" and "y" positions of the event, relative to the viewport.
Name Type Argument Default Description event
String the event name (e.g "click").
Function the event listener function or an object implementing the EventListener interface.
Boolean <optional>
false Disable <UWA.Element.Event> custom and polyfill handler.
Number <optional>
0 The priority level of the callback listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added.
Boolean <optional>
false use capture event instead of bubbling
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
addEvents(events, noCustomEvent, priority, useCapture) → {Element}
Register a multiple events listeners on a single target.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text: 'My Link' }), myEventListener = function (event) { // Stop event propagation and prevent default. UWA.Event.stop(event); // Get the Event type (click or touchstart into this example) var eventType = event.type; }; // Add "click" and "touchstart" events myElement.addEvents({ click: myEventListener, touchstart: myEventListener });
Name Type Argument Default Description events
Object events hash or a name/listener pair.
Boolean <optional>
false Disable Element.Event custom events.
Number <optional>
0 The priority level of the callback listener. Listeners with higher priority will be executed before listeners with lower priority. Listeners with same priority level will be executed at the same order as they were added.
Boolean <optional>
false use capture events instead of bubbling
the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
triggerEvent(eventName) → {Element}
Trigger an event listener on a target.
Notes: It will only trigger events added using Element.add[Event|Events] methods.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text: 'My Link' }), myEventListener = function (event) { // Stop event propagation and prevent default. UWA.Event.stop(event); }; // Add a "click" event myElement.addEvent('click', myClickListener); // Manualy trigger "click" event listener myElement.triggerEvent('click');
Name Type Description eventName
String the event name (e.g "click").
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
removeEvent(event, listener, useCapture) → {Element}
Remove event listener(s) on a target.
Event delegation:
As normal events, to remove a target event listener, you have to pass the full event name and selector, plus the listener function. Passing only the event name and selector will remove all events matching this event and selector. Passing only the event name (without selector) will remove all events matching this name regardless of its delegated state.
// Your existing element var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text: 'My Link' }), myEventListener = function (event) { // Stop event propagation and prevent default. UWA.Event.stop(event); }; // Add a "click" event myElement.addEvent('click', myClickListener); // Remove all "click" events myElement.removeEvent('click'); // Remove only "click" events associate with "myClickListener" listener myElement.removeEvent('click', myClickListener);
Name Type Argument Default Description event
String the event name (e.g "click"). If not specified, it will remove all events on this element.
Function the event listener function. If not specified, it will remove all events matching the given event name.
Boolean <optional>
false if true, removes the event added with useCapture to true
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
removeEvents(events, useCapture) → {Element}
Remove multiple events listener(s) on a target.
You can remove all element's attached events at once by calling this method without arguments.
var myElement = UWA.createElement('a', { text : 'My link' }).addEvents({ 'click' : function () {}, 'customEvent' : function () {} }); // Shouldn't have any event handler left attached myElement.removeEvents();
Name Type Argument Default Description events
Object events hash or a name/listener pair.
Boolean <optional>
false if true, removes the events added with useCapture to true
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
fillParent(property, reference) → {Element}
Fill the parent with the current element. The element will have the maximum place allowed by the parent, and the content of the parent will not overflow it.
Notes: For advanced and internal library usage only.
Name Type Description property
String height or width, defaults to height.
Element by default the element parent node.
- the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
setSelectable(Boolean) → {Element}
Disable or enable the text selection on the element.
Name Type Description Boolean
selectable define if the text selection should be enabled (true) or disabled (false).
the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element
requestFullscreen() → {Element}
Asynchronously requests that the element be made full-screen.
the current Element instance.
- Type
- Element